What is the host name for appium server
What is the host name for appium server

what is the host name for appium server

If the Appium server is indeed started, next check if the Appium listener IP:Port is the same as the Appium URL in the Execution Configuration.A running Appium-server is needed for Android/iOS Hybrid Executions.

what is the host name for appium server

  • Confirm that you have started the Appium Server on the local machine using Command line or Appium Desktop App.
  • This is mostly caused when there is a connection issue between the Appium Server and Testsigma. : Connection refusedĮxception in initiating a browser session in path: : Connection refused (Connection refused) Otherwise, if your execution failed or did not execute and gave an error message, please check the below list to see if the error is listed here. How to fix permanently 'Queued' executions for Local executions in my Testsigma Account? If your execution has not started and is still showing the Queued Status, please check the below guide for more details: Troubleshooting Local/Hybrid Mobile Executions Most common Errors - Appium-specific

    What is the host name for appium server