Install mozilla firefox 3
Install mozilla firefox 3

install mozilla firefox 3

It is recommended that you back up your profile regularly, as there may be bugs that corrupt your data. This program is provided without any guarantees of stability, so please use it at your own risk. Warning: This is NOT A FINAL OR PRE-RELEASE VERSION. Step 1ĭownload the installer 32.installer.exe. Please note that the baseline source code is from the development branch in Mozilla CVS server and thus the code is not considered stable. This is built on Windows XP with ActiveX disable. It contains code changes in NSS library as explained here. This is a private Firefox 3 built for the Firefox implementation of Halevi-Krawczyk Hash. If you want to continue to run firefox 4 with your old profile (and bookmarks, etc), then switch the profile over to your old default profile.Firefox 3 Installer for Halevi-Krawczyk Hash Firefox 3 Installer for If you decide you no longer want to run firefox 4, then repeat the process to revert your profile back to your default before you delete firefox 3. Now all your firefox installations will run the new profile. Here is an example of them running side-by-side: type cd /Applications/ģ. Create a new profile before running firefox 4.Ģ.

install mozilla firefox 3

Next, you will want to protect your firefox 3 profile. If you want to uninstall firefox 3 and revert back to firefox 2, just drag the firefox 3 icon to the trash. Drag the renamed application to the application folder. Rename the firefox application to something more appropriate. Instead of dragging the firefox icon to your application folder, drag it to the desktop top.Ĥ. Click on it to start the installation processģ. Here is how you can have firefox 4 and firefox 3 on your system.Ģ. Especially during the beta phase, you may not want to completely upgrade just yet. When you install firefox 4 normally in os x, the process will overwrite your firefox 3 installation. This has now been updated to cover firefox 3 and 4. Previously, this tutorial covered running Firefox 2 and 3 concurrently. This technique will work for running any prior versions of firefox. Are you dying to try out firefox 4 but not ready to give up firefox 3? You can run them both safely on your apple os x system.

Install mozilla firefox 3